Worried about having a session specifically on self-harm in your school or college?
Don’t worry, here are some common reasons Satveer hears why not to have her deliver, answered with reasons why you should!
“We don’t need you to come in as a few staff have already attended a session by you or someone else and shared the slides.”
From feedback, 100% of staff have stated they have more knowledge and confidence after attending even the 2-hour course. It is often a subject teacher, tutor or another staff member who notices self-harm or to whom disclosures are made. This is why in-school sessions are so beneficial. All staff can be reached and build confidence in managing these disclosures by students before they are passed to the relevant person. Simply sharing slides isn’t enough for such a complex topic.
Very inspiring speaker, the most I have come across in 10 years plus of inset days. Thank you.
Teacher, St. Marys School Cambridge.
We don’t want to put ideas into student’s head about self-harm. They are young and impressionable – talking about it will lead them to do it. It will glorify the subject.
Students regularly comment upon the usefulness and relevance of the subject. Student’s appreciate the down to earth delivery style that enables them to connect.
Staff, students and parents were blown away with your presentation; so many staff have come up to me and said how interesting, useful, insightful your talk was and how much they were affected by it. I personally have never seen an outside speaker talk to students in such an engaging and sensitive way on such a difficult subject; I think every secondary school teacher should have this training and every secondary school child should have a session led by you.
A teacher at St Katherine’s School Somerset
I just wanted to say how inspiring I found your talk last week. I really wanted to tell you how amazing it felt to hear someone talk about these issues in such a relatable and honest way. It helped me to see that I’m not weird or a freak, or less of a person
A Year 11 student
Parent sessions? The parents won’t attend the session and we don’t want them to think we have a problem of self-harm in our school.
From the feedback received parents consistently comment upon how much they benefited from the session alongside the importance of learning about the topic. They are grateful that the school has chosen to tackle such an important and relevant topic.
As a parent, you hope you would never ever have to deal with anything like this, but information evenings like this, promoting awareness of issues that are ever more present amongst our young people today are so important. It was a really informative, interesting and, surprisingly enjoyable evening given the subject matter. Satveer was extremely engaging in her delivery and I am sure everyone walked away from the meeting having more of an understanding and appreciation of the issues involved, I certainly did.
Parent, Thomas Keeble School
To find out more or book Satveer, get in contact.